Tag Archives: bike

Bicycle Fellowship: 3rd Sunday Rides and Workshops

Third Sunday Rides

Announcing Third Sunday Bicycle Rides at St David’s, beginning this Sunday, July 18th following coffee hour.

Ride your bike to church (or bring it along if you’re coming from far away) and gather with other cyclists to embark on a moderate community ride, usually ending at a local pub or coffee shop.

This Sunday, we’ll take the Springwater corridor to the Eastside Portland Sunday Parkway (brochure and updated map.) Dress festively, wear your helmet, and join us for a fun ride culminating in festivities at this popular community event filled with food and entertainment.

Bike Coaching and Workshops

Want to ride your bike more? What’s stopping you? Whatever it is, there’s probably a good reason for it. Find out how to overcome the hurdle and start enjoying Portland by bike.

Join local bike coach Brian Lacy, founder of BIKEmpowered, for an info night at St. David’s.

Learn basic safety skills, vent your fears and concerns, and get great advice to help you get on your bike and enjoy it. Depending on interest, we’ll schedule group workshops at St. David’s. If you’re interested, please vote for your preferred info night date, using this poll.

Or contact the office to find out more.

P.S. Brian also coaches urban beekeeping.